[EN] Post messages to slack from linux

Firstly you need to create webhook url in slack. How to do it you can find at https://www.programmableweb.com/news/how-to-integrate-webhooks-slack-api/how-to/2015/10/20

Secondly you need for example a bash script. My version you can find in gist:

# Usage: date | sh slackpost.sh
# Usage: echo "Hello Word" | sh slackpost.sh
icon_emoji=":ghost:" # https://slackmojis.com/
#load all message to var
while read LINE; do
#Default validation
if [ "$webhook_url" = "" ]; then
echo "No webhook_url specified"
exit 1
if [ "$channel" = "" ]; then
echo "No channel specified"
exit 1
if [ "$text" = "" ]; then
echo "No text specified"
exit 1
escapedText=$(echo $text | sed 's/"/\"/g' | sed "s/'/\'/g" )
json="{\"channel\": \"$channel\",\"username\": \"$username\",\"icon_emoji\": \"$icon_emoji\",\"text\": \"$escapedText\"}"
#by success returned 'ok'
status="$(curl -s -d -X POST –silent –data-urlencode "payload=$json" "$webhook_url")"
if [ "$status" != "ok" ]; then
# there were problems at curl request
# place to log error
echo "curl error"

view raw


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For comfort usage I have copied it to bin folder

cp /current/path/to/slackpost.sh /usr/local/bin/slackpost.sh
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/slackpost.sh

Now you cant access  this script anywhere by typing :

command_with_textual_output | slackpost.sh

Practically you can use it to get info about errors or notifications. Maybe you want to get notification about successfully database backup.

#sh way
echo "Your database backup was created successfully" | slackpost.sh

#python way
os.system("echo 'Your database backup was created successfully' | slackpost.sh")

Personaly I’m using it for notifying me if any of monitored website is offline – https://mindau.de/blog/en/simple-way-monitor-websites-linux/

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